Leg Pain
people mistakenly
think that leg pain
is a natural part of
getting older. You
might be surprised
to learn that leg
pain that develops
during walking—and
then goes away only
with rest—can be
caused by
claudication (IC), a
disabling yet
treatable medical
IC affects roughly 3
million people, most
of them over age 55.
Unfortunately, an
estimated 75 percent
of all IC sufferers
fail to seek medical
help, often because
they don’t realize
that IC is a
treatable medical
IC is a symptom of
peripheral arterial
disease (PAD).
PAD—also known as
“hardening of the
arteries,” or
atherosclerosis of
the legs—has been
estimated to affect
approximately 10
percent of people
over age 55. PAD
occurs when arteries
in the legs become
clogged with fatty
It’s not uncommon
for people who have
PAD to also have
atherosclerosis in
other parts of the
body—especially in
the heart and brain.
Atherosclerosis is a
serious health
problem that can
lead to heart attack
or stroke if left
symptoms of IC may
be felt in the:
the symptoms may be
felt as:
symptoms may be felt
in one or both legs
and may occur during
walking or
exercising. The pain
is characterized by
aching, cramping,
tiredness, or
tightness of the
affected muscle
group. Once you stop
walking or
exercising, the
symptoms subside
within minutes. If
you’re experiencing
any of these
symptoms, see your
podiatric physician.
He or she can
diagnose your
condition and
suggest treatments
that may help you
walk farther without
leg pain.
Controlling Your
can decrease the
risk of developing
leg pain due to
claudication (IC) if
you take steps to
control its risk
factors. Risk
factors are
conditions that
increase your
chances of
developing IC.
Risk factors and
other conditions
that may complicate
IC include:
High cholesterol
High blood
Smoking is one of
the most
significant risk
factors for IC. If
you smoke, your risk
of developing
peripheral arterial
disease is two to
seven times greater
than nonsmokers.
Smoking increases
the risk of IC by:
Narrowing blood
vessels, which
decreases blood
flow to the legs.
Reducing the
amount of oxygen
in your blood,
which can increase
leg pain.
Irritating the
lining of blood
vessels, which can
speed hardening of
the arteries (atherosclerosis).
People with IC who
continue to smoke
also have a 10-fold
greater risk for
limb amputation.
Quitting smoking can
slow or stop the
worsening of IC
symptoms and may
greatly improve the
quality of your
life. If you need
help quitting,
several smoking
cessation aids are
available; your
doctor can help you
decide which one is
best for you.
Most podiatric
physicians include
an antismoking
component as a
routine part of
their encounters
with all patients
regardless of the
diagnosis and no
matter what age.
blood cholesterol is
another risk factor
for IC. Cholesterol
is a fat-like
substance made by
the liver, and it
also enters the
bloodstream from the
food you eat. When
cholesterol builds
up in the walls of
the arteries of the
legs, blood flow is
reduced, causing
pain when you walk.
Studies suggest that
lowering the amount
of fat in the blood,
cholesterol, may
slow the progression
of IC and possibly
relieve symptoms.
Some steps you can
take to control high
blood cholesterol
include eating a
heart-healthy diet,
maintaining a
healthy weight, and
being physically
active. These
lifestyle changes
are the same as
those recommended
for people with IC,
giving you even more
reason to undertake
them. When diet and
exercise aren’t
enough, medication
may be needed. Your
doctor can determine
what treatment is
best for you. For
more on what you
should know about
the National
Education Program on
the Web.
Blood Pressure
blood pressure is a
major risk factor
for IC. It
contributes to
hardening of the
arteries (atherosclerosis),
which is the basis
of peripheral
arterial disease and
Although clinical
studies have not yet
been performed to
determine if
lowering high blood
pressure relieves IC
symptoms, it’s wise
to take steps to
control your blood
pressure. For more
information on
lowering high blood
the National Heart,
Lung, and Blood
Institute Web site.
Physical Inactivity
Doctors have found a
link between IC and
an inactive
lifestyle, which
means that people
with IC are most
likely not getting
enough exercise. A
sedentary lifestyle
can result in muscle
loss, lower
endurance, and
higher blood
pressure—all of
which complicate IC.
To become more
active, people with
IC can begin by
walking every day
for 20 minutes,
alternating walking
with periods of
rest. Your podiatric
physician can ensure
your feet will be up
to the task of
starting a walking
regimen. The goal is
to increase
continuous walking
to 30 to 45 minutes
each day for at
least six months.
Ask your doctor
before you start or
increase an exercise
Exercise yields many
rewards. Research
has shown that
regular exercise can
help control IC risk
factors such as high
blood pressure,
obesity, and
diabetes—as well as
almost double your
pain-free walking
Excess weight can
make other IC risk
factors much harder
to control. It
raises blood
pressure and blood
increases the risk
of developing
diabetes. A
commitment to losing
weight and
maintaining that
weight loss can be
challenging, but by
losing even 10 to 20
pounds, you can help
reduce your risk of
disease. Your doctor
can help you begin a
healthy weight loss
plan which may
include both diet
and exercise.
you suffer from
diabetes (high
blood sugar), your
risk for developing
IC is two to three
times greater. Steps
to help control
diabetes include
quitting smoking,
eating a
heart-healthy diet,
being physically
active, and
controlling sugar
intake. By
diabetes, you may
also be able to
delay or prevent its
complications, such
as IC. For more
information on
visit the National
Diabetes Education
Program Web site.
Patients, especially
those with diabetes,
should pay extra
attention to their
foot and nail care
and obtain regular
foot examinations
from their podiatric
physician. Call
for an appointment
at the first sign of
any changes in the
Managing the
Robinson will
undertake a careful
examination and
diagnosis of the
condition. Foot care
is of critical
importance to
patients with IC,
because seemingly
minor injuries to
the feet may result
in infection,
nonhealing wounds,
and other
complications. Patients,
especially those
with diabetes, will
receive explicit
regarding foot and
nail care. Smokers
need to
Exercise programs,
walking, can help
the condition, and
safe, effective drug
therapy may be
prescribed by your
podiatric physician.